Revising a DTD with the help of TEI's PizzaChef

Version 1.1 (5 May 2004)


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The Menota DTD is revised by using the PizzaChef according to the procedure outlined below:

  1. Any changes to the DTD are written into the files norron.extensions.ent and norron.extensions.dtd. Minor changes - such as changes to the entity table - are only made to 'norron.extensions.ent', while more complex changes - such as modifications to element properties - are made by modifying the 'norron.extensions.ent' file and then the 'norron.extensions.dtd' file.

    We can use the <supplied> element to illustrate this. First, a change is made to 'norron.extensions.ent'; this is to tell the Pizza Chef that this element will be modified in the 'norron.extensions.dtd' and the orginal definition should not be used:

    <!-- supplied is to be modified -->
    <!ENTITY % supplied 'IGNORE'>

    After this modification has been made, the new element declaration for <supplied> has to be written into 'norron.extensions.dtd':

    <!-- February 6, 2004 TMB: 'facs', 'dipl' and 'norm' added to the content model of 'supplied' -->
    <!-- March 15, 2002, TMB: 'lacunaEnd', 'lacunaStart', 'witEnd' and 'witStart' added to the content model of 'supplied' by including 'm.fragmentary'. -->

    <!ELEMENT supplied %om.RO; (#PCDATA | facs | dipl | norm | %m.phrase; | %m.inter; | %m.Incl; | %m.fragmentary;)* >

    <!-- April 24, 2001, ESO: type-attribute added, other attributes are as in the original. -->
    <!ATTLIST supplied;
      reason CDATA #IMPLIED
      resp CDATA %INHERITED;
      hand IDREF %INHERITED;
      agent CDATA #IMPLIED
      source CDATA #IMPLIED
      type CDATA #IMPLIED

  2. After the two extension files have been saved, it is time to activate the PizzaChef program.

  3. Under "Step 1: Choose your base": choose 'Mixed base' in the left column, and then check the 'prose' and 'verse' boxes.

  4. Under "Step 2: Choose your toppings": check the 'Linking', 'figures', 'Analysis', 'transcr', 'textcrit', 'names.dates' and 'corpora' boxes.

  5. Under "Step 3: Choose your entity set": nothing has to be entered (since a complete set of entities has been defined in 'norron.extensions.dtd').

  6. Under "Step 4: Review selected items": no selections are made.

  7. Under "Step 5: Supply your modification files": you have to supply the two files 'norron.extensions.ent' and 'norron.extensions.dtd' to the PizzaChef.

  8. Under "Step 6: Bake that pizza": you simply click on "GENERATE FULL DTD".

  9. The complete DTD will now be displayed in your browser. At this point, it is often a good idea to search the document for the keyword "error" to see if any errors have been reported in the file.

  10. Choose "Save As" from the file menu and save the output under the name "norron.dtd" on the preferred server. Remember to archive the previous version before deleting it.

  11. If there are errors in the DTD the Pizza Chef has made, check this:

    1. Make sure the extensions files are valid.

    2. The files have to be in SGML syntax.

    3. Characters with hex value greater than 7F are not allowed anywhere in the extension files due to restrictions of the Pizza Chef, not even in comments.

    4. Comments must not contain series of hyphens.

    5. Check that all comments are opened and closed properly.

    6. If this still does not work, quit your net browser and try again.

    7. Finally, send a message to the Pizza Chef to ask for help.


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Version 1.0 published 20 May 2003. Version 1.1 published 5 May 2004.